Thursday, August 14, 2008

Long time no postage

Well as you can all tell from the last post which was dated for may, Jake and I have been extremely busy. Actually we have been really lazy and probably just forgot about the blog for awhile. Unfortunately i have no idea where Jake is although i can guess that he is either in Alaska or Ohio(His Fatherland). Because of Jake's absence i have temporarily taken over his job of posting random crap that comes into his mind. I must say that most of the crap is good and sweet ; however, completely random. So for those of you who actually read this and because you read this have no life whatsoever i have left you with a cool little story i heard about while working down at the Latah Bistro. Many of you might already have heard this story but then again many of you probably haven't. So for those of you that have not heard about the Greyhound Bus Mutilation please use this link and enjoy the story. *WARNING, VERY DISTURBING* Thank you and goodnight.
Please read all the way down to the bottom so you get the full story and all of the "juicy" details. (that wasn't funny! don't laugh!)

1 comment:

Jakeman said...

Wow, Trev, that is gross. Really gross. That's why, in America, we have something called a concealed weapon permit!