Friday, August 29, 2008

Quote of the Day

I see America, not in the setting sun of a black night of despair ahead of us, I see America in the crimson light of a rising sun fresh from the burning, creative hand of God. I see great days ahead, great days possible to men and women of will and vision.

Carl Sandburg (1878-1967)

The Last Hope from the Last Frontier

America, you have your hope. America, here is your warrior. America, here is your conservative. America here is your Vice President!

Yes, it's the biggest thing to come from our biggest state since oil, it's Alaska's Republican governor, Sarah Palin!!!!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Quote of the Day

In the beginning the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

-Douglas Adams

Obama Flubs the Presidential Test

Biden? Was Robert Byrd too trendy?

By Jonah Goldberg

Vice president. Who among us can contain their excitement?

Not me. I can’t wait to hear more from the man for whom brevity is a Rubicon he will not cross. Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you something about Joe Biden, as Joe Biden himself might say: Joe is the guy who will tell the hard truths, say the unsaid things — literally, not just figuratively — to ensure that he has gone the extra oratory mile in service to this great cause, America, for which he will give not merely his last breaths but an unknowable number of breaths in service of the country he loves, never once tiring or being distracted by the grammatical ballast of the period, the wedge issue of the paragraph break or the thud of his audiences’ heads soporifically smacking the tables in front of them. No, never let it be said that Joe won’t say what needs to be said, not only when it needs to be said but the other times as well, again and again and, ladies and gentlemen, again.

One can only hope the perpetual motion machine that is Biden’s mouth will, like a million monkeys banging on typewriters, eventually stumble on a plausible explanation for why Obama picked Biden, of all people.

It’s a leaden cliche to note that the choice of a running mate is the first “presidential” decision a candidate makes. What, then, does it say that Obama’s first such decision contradicts the alleged promise of his presidency?

In his career-making speech at the 2004 Democratic convention, Obama ridiculed “the pundits” who “like to slice and dice our country into red states and blue states; red states for Republicans, blue states for Democrats.” But when it came time to act “presidential,” Obama passed on several short-list VP candidates from red states — the governors of Virginia, Kansas, and Iowa — in favor of the senator from deep-blue Delaware.

Over the last two years, Obama’s campaign has gone further, investing a great deal in this idea of Obama as a post-partisan candidate who transcends all of these silly categories. Quoting the candidate, the official Republicans for Obama Web site proclaims: “For the first time in a long time, we have the chance to build a new majority of not just Democrats, but Independents and Republicans who’ve lost faith in their Washington leaders but want to believe again — who desperately want something new.”

And to feed that bottomless yearning for the new, Obama picked a Democrat who was first elected to the U.S. Senate when Obama was 11 years old and Richard Nixon was still popular. When Biden — already a seasoned pol — first ran for president, Duran Duran was still thought of as the cutting edge of music. What happened? Was Robert Byrd too trendy?

And what about all that jibber-jabber about post-partisanship? When Obama, the most liberal member of the U.S. Senate, according to the 2007 vote scoring done by National Journal, picks the third-most-liberal senator, does that count as reaching across the aisle?

to continue reading this article go to

Sunday, August 24, 2008

It’s Smarmy and Smirky ‘08!

"The only thing between Joe Biden and the vice presidency is his mouth."

--Michelle Malkin

Read about the most embarrassing new move by Barack Obama and the socialists!... oops, i meant to say democrats... or did I?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Long time no postage

Well as you can all tell from the last post which was dated for may, Jake and I have been extremely busy. Actually we have been really lazy and probably just forgot about the blog for awhile. Unfortunately i have no idea where Jake is although i can guess that he is either in Alaska or Ohio(His Fatherland). Because of Jake's absence i have temporarily taken over his job of posting random crap that comes into his mind. I must say that most of the crap is good and sweet ; however, completely random. So for those of you who actually read this and because you read this have no life whatsoever i have left you with a cool little story i heard about while working down at the Latah Bistro. Many of you might already have heard this story but then again many of you probably haven't. So for those of you that have not heard about the Greyhound Bus Mutilation please use this link and enjoy the story. *WARNING, VERY DISTURBING* Thank you and goodnight.
Please read all the way down to the bottom so you get the full story and all of the "juicy" details. (that wasn't funny! don't laugh!)